There should be the rules- better thinked or to rewrite them.
From where came the idea of not letting anyone go out of school between the classes?
They have a notice that you weren't there- so why to bother?
You have a free hour between the classes and you are not even allowed to escape-go drink a coffee and come back.
After all it's your problem if and how you organize your time before the Bad-Adventure-Curse. And if you want to drink a freekin' coffee in your spare should be allowed to do so .
How abut freedom? the freedom of expressing your own ideas and making them real?
Besides if your fuckin' sleepy how do they even expect(not demand) us to pay attention--'cause this is an important year and so.
Fuck it..fuck that (won't fuck tha headmaster-she's a bitch) the hell with her rules
Long live anarchy 'till the rules are changed
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