vineri, 17 septembrie 2010


(Somewhere at the beginning of May 2010 )

I guess now i'm finally done
All the dreams and the feelings are now gone
It was nothing more than a drug
All the embarrassing facts and happiness were just like a poisonous hug.

Now the looks had vanished too,
Looks meant "I care",we act like we don't ,but from time to time we do.

It's only our imagination
Something to lie our selfs for our own satisfaction

We do know each other- yet we don't
We are just two strangers in search of gold.
Time to say goodbye ,hope there won't be any other poem invocations
Hope this will be the last translations...

For two strangers in search of gold

joi, 16 septembrie 2010


(27 august 2010)

She always asked her self if each person sees the world in different light
Wheter the the color are brither if you have greenish eyes by your side
Wheter people with brownish eyes are more melancolic but they never addmit
Wheter greenish-blueish people are just lost dreamers who don't know when to quit
Wheter the color of your eyes really makes you feel realitty deeper
And if any brown eyed person is the best secrets keeper
She kept wondering if she broke the wall of words and mind...
People will think that are stupid no more- the feelings that they tend to hide
Wheter the heart gets smarter after each hert-eache
If not,why does it beat faster for another person's sake?
But all where questions,she had no time to answear..

Like the spirals of smoke,she had no one to share side with
In one gloomy spring night a stranger shown her the phantomatic dance of smoke--her heart gained speed
Yet i said,no time to answear
In the first day of autumn she died of Cancer.
The questions flew away
To another dreamers mindSalvaţi acum
Hope she writes down-the answears-if she finds.

Efemer.. sau nu

Intr-o vara se schimba multe,asa se spune.Eu ma gandeam ca e vorba de personalitatea asta se referea, nu?nu si la locuri si obiceiuri..
De pilda, azi mi am baut cafeaua de dimineata tot pe scarile din spatele cofetariei iar tipul de la aparatul de cafea mi a urat "bine ai revenit" si domnul de la cofetarie parea suprins si bucuros sa ma revada tot acolo dupa atata timp.
Materiile si colegii s-au schimbat si ele/ei dar in bine.
Ceea ce m-a frapat si a fost cu adevarat surprinzator e faptul ca au inchis/baricadat trecerea din spate a locului cu care aveam o care empatizam... si jumate din partea din fata.
M-am comformat si am luat-o prin fata.
Ca sa va explic: e un loc umbros cu masuta si bancuta ,unde eu imi luam cafeau de pranz si unde mai stateam sa mai scriu si deci sa ma descarc. Era locul meu secret,era ca un cod-- o zna care imi apartinea in intregime mie.
Am spart acest cod doar de doua ori.
Odata cu o persoana in care aveam incredere ca va respecta locul si secretul si ,odata cu niste care ma vedeam pe mine cand eram de varsta lor.
A doua oara a fost fatal pentru siguranta secretului meu ,locul s-a aglomerat de boboci care scrumau pe jos,faceau gunoi si ascultau muzica tare--asa ca au fost luate aceste masuri.

Acum nu mai e nimeni. Dar gradina nu mi mai apartine intru totul. ACUM are un gardian.
-o pisica alba din ceramica,cu ochii infioratori de albastrii,sta si priveste foarte atenta,cu suspiciune ,dintr-un colt al gradinii, spunand ca acest teritoriu ii apartine pe deplin.-

p.s pe mine m-a bagat in sperieti prima data pentru ca arata extrem de reala(cred ca asta era si scopul)

gardianul gradinii

miercuri, 15 septembrie 2010

A highschool day-or abut' freedom

(posted 14 septembrie)

There should be the rules- better thinked or to rewrite them.
prison bars Pictures, Images and Photos
From where came the idea of not letting anyone go out of school between the classes?
They have a notice that you weren't there- so why to bother?
You have a free hour between the classes and you are not even allowed to escape-go drink a coffee and come back.
After all it's your problem if and how you organize your time before the Bad-Adventure-Curse. And if you want to drink a freekin' coffee in your spare should be allowed to do so .
How abut freedom? the freedom of expressing your own ideas and making them real?
Besides if your fuckin' sleepy how do they even expect(not demand) us to pay attention--'cause this is an important year and so.
Fuck it..fuck that (won't fuck tha headmaster-she's a bitch) the hell with her rules
Long live anarchy 'till the rules are changed

Terror's claw

(posted on 11 September)

Claws Pictures, Images and Photos

48 Hours till the nightmare beguns.
A nightmare can be named an exam or a test.
But of those you can escape quickly.
My nightmare will last one hole year and the decisions will i make/will i take in this nightmare will have effect on my real life.
It's kind of the Freddy Kruger story,but not that melodramatic, I mean I won't die in the end( hope, at least) but may destroy my hole future.
In this nightmare i have to endure tests of my logical and unlogical strength.
I have to forget all i've learned and yet remember it all.
This nightmare will end with a breakdown called the B.A.C (Bad-Adventure-Curse)
If my mind won't brake into millions of little pieces and if the claws of fear and stress won't make me commit the ultimate gest of life for which i started to smoke and
If i manage to wake up after 12 months with my life still being my life...
I promise to let you know.
We will meet right here ,on this bench ,next to the supermarket we used to hang out and I will say that I succeeded and that everything is alright and I will tell you how to defeat the curse
And you will hug me and we will forget about it a glass of aromatic boiled wine


(posted 2 september)

autumn Pictures, Images and Photos
Smiles thrown in the wind
Stairs to haven - hard to build
Faces and memories- hard to forget
Point in life where you have nothing to regret
-Incomplete with having everything-
Little words and laughs lost around the grass and trees
Searching for happiness pills.

a reason

why haven't i written anything for a while?well,i did. but foolishly- I forgotten my password .but it's all fix password :) i'll begin with today.but than i will probably post the other things i written .sorry for my english not being perfect. i'm a lil bit in a hurry;).

The third day of school..or abut things that are called mistakes.

I had an unpredicted test at English today.One of the subjects was talking about how life gives you the best lessons or how the best lessons about life are learnt by your own experience and giveing examples.
Everybody had a different subject.
I think the teacher gave me that subject on purpose-to see if i understand where have i really made mistakes in my life and if I regret or if i have the chance not to repeat them in the future.
She will be disappointed - I kept it plain.
Of course I done mistakes and things i'm not proud of,but i have my pride ! I'm a leo for cow's sake-- of course I will never admit that I regret some stuff-specially in front of my teacher.
Yet i said a true thing in the paper--we never actually listen to advices given by the oldish.(not actually suits our personalitty)
So now i had fun at highschool but i haven't learnt much and my grades are poopish ,so it is a posibillity i won't get to the University I want (and this is not a thing i can fix).
Of course i miss faces and voices that I was too proud and stupid to keep by myside.
Of course I regret being sooo "the not understanded bohemian teenager" -lonely wolf ;because now i don't have close friends in highschool.
I regret many though i won't change many.-
Because in the future present me- won't be me anylonger-
And i like "me" with good and bads.